Jumat, 28 Juni 2013

Behind the Cover my silence

My silence is the cover of peace, independence and an "indifference"
indifference by the noises that are audible or inaudible,
view and assessment implies a compliment or insult
Yes ... all seemed perfect and running following the turnaround time,
without contention or load
But ... sometimes a "restless" sneak in between my quiet time
I thought for a moment, trying to translate "fret" that
I found also no definite answer
Ignore it, maybe it was just a meaningless
All lies! I deny the
the obvious meaning of the word
Fill-in sheets liver decomposes lemabaran clearly
there is a long hallway silence
and all of that should be passed to the end
tuk satisfy a "hunger" for the
"Predetermined certainty" before we say hello to the world
Despite the belief that there is,
waiting and this trip still feels heavy
But it all looks perfect,
hidden behind the cover of "my silence"

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